What’s on?

Events for children, Theatre, danse, storytelling, literature
Lecture d'albums jeunesse LOCHES
Exhibition, Expositions
Exposition : un village pendant la guerre CHEDIGNY
Téléthon LOCHES
Concert, Music
Concert de cornemuses LOCHES
Sporting events, competition, Vie citoyenne
24h de natation LOCHES
Exhibition, Expositions
Exposition : un village pendant la guerre CHEDIGNY
Exhibition, Expositions
Exposition de Noël BEAULIEU-LES-LOCHES
Sporting events, competition
On fait l'omelette pour le Téléthon ABILLY
Nature animation
Troc Jardin LOCHES
Téléthon LOCHES
Traditionnal manifestation, Sporting events, competition
Animations in monuments, Entertainment inside monument
Winter Tales from the Royal City LOCHES
Market, Fairs and markets
Marché de Noël BARROU
Market, Fairs and markets
Marché de Noël GENILLE
Traineeship, Nature animation
Atelier : les bienfaits des simples CHEDIGNY
Exhibition, Open days
Exhibition, Expositions
Exposition : un village pendant la guerre CHEDIGNY
Exhibition, Expositions
Exposition de Noël BEAULIEU-LES-LOCHES
Show, Music
Tu connais la chanson ? LOCHES
Theatre, danse, storytelling, literature
Théâtre : renversante solution MANTHELAN
Animations in monuments, Entertainment inside monument
Winter Tales from the Royal City LOCHES
Animations in monuments, Entertainment inside monument
Noël : Lectures de contes LOCHES
Exhibition, Expositions
Exposition : un village pendant la guerre CHEDIGNY
Exhibition, Expositions
Exposition de Noël BEAULIEU-LES-LOCHES
Theatre, danse, storytelling, literature
Théâtre : renversante solution MANTHELAN